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HOW TO BURN BROWN FAT  If weight loss is your main fitness goal, cardiovascular training is essential to accomplish your fitness dreams. Doing cardio first thing in the morning on an empty stomach will burn your fat stores for energy since your glucose in the blood (blood sugar level) is extremely low from fasting during sleeping hours, so your body will turn to its own stored energy to fuel your muscles during tough workouts.


LOW-FAT COOKING & BAKING TIPS As the holiday's creep upon us it's a time to have a few diet tricks up our sleeves to ward of the unwanted holiday weight gain. You can enjoy the festivities without the extra needless calories that will just add to your waistline. Did you know on average people gain anywhere from 10 to 15 lbs during the sweet season of family parties and social gatherings? That's a lot of fat! But you can be ahead of the game by using these tips & tricks to get you through the holiday season without the extra baggage around your waist, hips & thighs...


THE POWER OF POSITIVE THINKING The power of being positive is just that, powerful! Positive thinking is the fuel that rockets your desires, it is the sunshine after the rain. When you think positively you are able to create your life intentionally. Did you know that it's easier to think   negative   thoughts than it is to think   positive   thoughts? That's because our minds are always in protection and survival mode to keep us safe and alive.  Seeing the negative in life warns of danger which validates the brain’s natural defense mechanism brought about by scared thoughts and experiences. When you focus too much on the negative soon your thoughts will become your belief which then soon becomes your life experience in one form or another.  


HOW TO RAISE YOUR METABOLISM Achieving lifelong weight loss is a goal that most people want to achieve whether its 5 to 100 plus pounds, it’s all the same desire—to feel healthier and happier about our bodies and life in general.  Everything that you do in regards to your diet and exercise is based on emotion.  The more positive you are the more optimally your body functions.  It’s virtually impossible to release fat and maintain a lower body weight when you are sad, depressed, worried or stressed out all of the time. When you are stressed your hormones become imbalanced and cortisol levels increase which causes weight gain from the “fight or flight” energy in the body.


SIMPLE TIPS TO TRANSFORM YOUR LIFE Today can be a New Beginning of You!  Isn’t that an exciting thought!  You are on your way to becoming all that you dream of, including having better health, more wealth and pure happiness!  You are about to learn simple yet incredibly powerful tips which will enable you to shift your energy frequency from low vibrations of feelings of frustration and powerlessness to high energized vibrations of cheerfulness and joy!  You can become all that you desire to be when you have a positive mindset.  When you feel enthusiastic about life you are in the right energy vibration of creation.  Happiness cannot be obtained, bought, or found, true happiness comes from within. 


10 KEYS TO ACHIEVE SUCCESS   "The reason most people never reach their goals is that they don’t define them, or ever seriously consider them as believable or achievable. Winners can tell you where they are going, what they plan to do along the way, and who will be sharing the adventure with them."  ~ Denis Watley Having an attitude of "I can!" is very powerful.  Setting goals and having a positive mental attitude are stepping stones to success. Creating goals is simple to do yet many of us fail to do so.  Having your goals clearly in your mind is one of the most powerful ways to accomplish great things in your life.  Without goals you will not have a  road map  to success, it would be like trying to drive to LA form New York without a map or a GPS system in your car.


HOW TO SCULPT SEXY SIX PACK ABS Training abs is essential for a sexy midsection.  There are several workouts that work fast, your body is your best source of resistance, you don’t need any fancy equipment to get cut abs.  It all comes down to training faithfully at least 5 days a week and eating a clean diet.  If you train hard then do yourself a favor and eat a diet rich in protein, fresh veggies, fruits and good fats so you will be able to see your hard work pay off when you look in the mirror.


HOW TO CREATE A HOME GYM ON ANY BUDGET There's nothing more empowering than feeling and looking your best. Having a lean physique is not only attractive but it's uplifting to your body, mind & spirit. You can do so much more when you're stronger and in shape. If you struggle with finding time to go the the gym then creating your own home gym may be the answer.  The only way to achieve a fit physique is to thoroughly commitment to living my LivFit Lifestyle. Exercising 5 to 6 days a week is critical to enable you to accomplish your fitness goals and dreams. By doing 30 to 45 minutes of cardio each morning, weight lifting and eating a clean diet you can transform your physique. Anyone can achieve their fitness goals and dreams - including YOU!

How to Lose Weight Naturally

How to Lose Weight Naturally Weight loss is an attainable goal for anyone who has the desire to improve their quality of life. You can have a slim physique regardless of age, gender or size.  If you're tired of be overweight and exhausted all the time then now is the time to take your health & happiness into your own hands. It all begins with the desire for change. To take the first step on your weight loss journey you must dig deep and answer the question "Why?"


 HOW TO LIVE FROM YOUR HIGHER-SELF TO MANIFEST YOUR DREAMS Powerful quotes of the day by Norman Vincent Peale ~ "Believe in yourself! Have faith in your abilities! Without a humble but reasonable confidence in your own powers you cannot be successful or happy." "The mind, ever the willing servant , will respond to boldness, for boldness, in effect, is a command to deliver mental resources." "If you paint in your mind a picture of bright and happy expectations, you put yourself into a condition conducive to your goal." To be able to fully create and manifest your dreams you must learn how to believe and tap into the higher power which ignites your soul with love, joy, health and abundance — It is your spirit within. You already have everything you need to achieve all that you desire.  To manifest your heart's desires to the fullest come to know who you really are.  You are a powerful spiritual being of pure energy and ligh


HOW TO TAP INTO THE POWER OF YOUR MIND "Life is from within outward and never from without inward. You are the centre of power in your own life… There is but one power in all the universe. Happy is the man who knows this, the greatest of all trut hs…. The whole thing resolves itself into our mental ability to control our thought. The man who can do this can have what he wants, can do what he wishes and becomes what he wills…"  ~  Ernest Holmes. As a Lifestyle Fitness Consultant & Coach I have had the opportunity to assist people all over the world in transforming their lives. Many people come to me wanting to lose weight, improve their income, improve their relationships, overcoming personal issues as well as to have inner-peace and more happiness in their lives. It doesn’t matter which area in life my clients aspire to improve, each and every aspect of self improvement begins by balancing and connecting the body, mind and spirit. When the body is


BEST BODYBUILDING SUPPLEMENTS Attaining a great body that’s lean, strong and healthy is no easy task but is definitely achievable.  Living a fit lifestyle is the key to achieving your dream of having a lean physique.  When you are in control of your body you are in control of your life.  Living a fit lifestyle will not only improve your physique but your mind and spirit as well, enabling you to strive for bigger goals to create the life & body of your dreams. Having a fit body is a combination of genetics, good nutrition and regular strength training and cardio.  There is no question about it, if you want a fabulous body then you have to live a fit lifestyle it faithfully! 


HOW TO LIVE A HAPPIER LIFE THE CHOICE IS YOURS "Remember happiness doesn't depend upon who you are or what you have; it depends solely on what you think." ~ Dale Carnegie Being happy and living a healthy lifestyle is a choice that only you can make.   The innate desire to improve your quality of life is your light within guiding your path to a better way of life. When you feel the longing for   a better way of life  that is your higher-self promoting you to expand your awareness, inspiring you to believe that life is meant to be filled with wonder and joy.  


TIPS TO GET IN SHAPE! Living my LivFit Lifestyle doesn’t happen overnight it takes motivation, dedication and determination to follow through with your goals.  Unfortunately, too many people lack the motivation needed to commit  to starting or staying on track with a fitness routine day after day.  It takes time, you don’t have to train long and hard each day, you can start off slow. If you start off too fast you'll feel exhausted and may lose the desire to stay on track.  Starting is half the battle; you can begin by walking briskly for 20 minutes 5 days a week or jogging on a treadmill for 15 to 20 minutes 4 to 5 days a week. In time you find that you will have more energy and will want to exercise longer than you did the day or week before. It all comes down to loving yourself enough to want to improve your quality of life. Living a healthy lifestyle makes for a happier You! You will feel more vibrant, have better health, h


  FALLING OFF THE CLEAN EATING WAGON ~  HOW TO RELEASE NEGATIVE EMOTIONS Emotions are very powerful.  Everything you do is based on emotions.  What you crave to eat is based off of how you feel.  When you are reaching for a sugary treat what you are actually doing is reaching for a “feel good” food which will increase serotonin in the brain. Sugar will indeed help you feel better for slit a moment but only to come crashing down soon after and then you will begin craving more sugar to give you the "sugar high" your emotions are wanting.  You can train in a gym for hours daily but if you don't fuel your body with the proper nutrition needed for energy to fuel and rebuild your hard worked muscles then you might as well just do aerobics and forget dreaming of having a hard-body.  Proper nutrition and weight lifting are vital keys to transforming your physique! LETTING GO If you fall off the “eating clean” wagon often and find it difficult to fol


HOW TO LOSE BELLY FAT BY WALKING We all want a slim midsection yet for some it is often more difficult to achieve because belly fat is generally the last part of the body to lose weight. Genetics obviously have a big role to play in it; ho wever, we are responsible for what we eat.  If you have a large belly odds are that you are insulin resistant. That means your body cannot process carbohydrates in your diet so it is stores it as fat.  The best diet to shrink your midsection is a high protein and veggies with selected low glycemic index fruits. 


10 SIMPLE TIPS TO IMPROVE YOUR  SELF ESTEEM & SELF WORTH We all struggle with lack of self confidence now and again, unfortunately many of us feel this way constantly.  If you struggle with a low self esteem and feel less than worthy of having a happy, successful life -- think again! You too can be highly successful and become all that you wish to be. Self confidence is often perceived and acknowledged when attached to a calling, job or by material things in your life.   Believing that self confidence is gained by what your title sis, have or do – but that’s not how to have self confidence at all, those believes stem from ego.   True self confidence come by loving you 100% just as you are; it’s by knowing who you really are -- a magnificent being of pure energy and light. 


HOW TO GET IN THE BEST SHAPE OF YOUR LIFE The last week before a photo shoot is for dialing in and getting the last little bit of fat off for a lean, ripped physique.   It takes a lot of determination and focus to accomplish the ripped look we all want on photo shoot day. Below are tips to help you accomplish your goals.  By following these tips you will be able to lower your body fat and you will still have energy for your workouts.  As always, stay positive!  Remember, you mind is your greatest asset to accomplishing your dreams.  You will become what you believe, so believe in all that you can achieve your goals and dreams! J FITNESS (MODELING) TIPS THAT WORK! When I have a modeling photo shoot coming up this is what I do to cut my body fat down to achieve me ripped physique. ·          CARDIO:  Do an hour of cardio each morning with HITT for the first 20 to 30 minutes. CARDIO AM: 60 minutes cardio 10 at a pace of 3.2 to 3.5, also do intervals with


    5 TIPS TO MANAGE STRESS TO  AID IN WEIGHT LOSS We experience it -- stress!  It's a part of daily life; however, if it gets out of control then it can play havoc on your body in many ways such as weight gain, fatigue, exhaustion, mental fog, illness and physical impediments. Stress management can be a powerful tool for health & wellness. Studies show that too much pressure is not just bad for your health but also for your waistline. People who are under constant stress are more susceptible to ill health from colds to high blood pressure and heart disease. Have you noticed that when you’re extra stressed your pants are a bit more snug than usual? If so, you’re not alone.