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EMBRACE LIFE TO THE FULLEST You were literally created to have a life filled with love, joy, peace & happiness, but only if you chose to.  Living a happy life is a choice.  We were born with free agency, what a gift we all have, we have the intrinsic ability to decide just how we want in our lives.  Each of us literally has the power within to change our life & body at a very deep level.  You can experience true joy & happiness today!  You can also transform your physique easier than you may think possible.  All you have to do is take charge of your mind and emotions by only allowing powerful, creative, loving thoughts to enter your mind.  You are the master of your mind .  Your mind is not the master of you.   You are not only your finite body that needs to eat, exercise and sleep daily to survive, the larger part of you is spiritual, your true essence that resides within ~ together they are your soul.  Your miraculous body is a gift from God to care


HOW TO LET GO OF THE PAST Thought of the day...  If something or someone from the past has left an emotional scar moving on and trying to forget about it will not release that which is bothering you.   You must release the emotions to that which pains you to allow forgiveness to fill your heart.  Look for the lessons learned form each experience that upsets you from the past to enable you to embrace new energy of love, joy, peace & happiness to fill your soul.   Negative feelings left alone will always remain and fester if not released, and therefore will attract like experiences in one form or another into your life until that negative emotion is resolved emotionally & mentally.   Letting go of resistance is the only way to allow wondrous blessing to come to you fully. You will know that you have released that which bothered you when you can think of the person, place or event that caused you upset and you have no emotional connection to it. And when you do that you


              HEALTH RISKS OF BEING OVERWEIGHT        Being overweight isn't only hard on your mind and emotions it's also staggering on your health and raise health hazards substantially. Not only does it cause sadness, lack of energy, lack of zest for life, a low self image and mental issues it also causes disease in the body. Most people that are overweight don't realize just how dangerous it is and how life threatening it can be. You wouldn't walk across a busy freeway at will, you won't put your hand in a fire for the fun of it and you wouldn't drink a bottle if the poison sign was on it, so why would we as a society being so negligent about our weight? Being obese is just as dangerous as walking across a busy street without looking.   FAT RUNS MORE THAN JUST SKIN DEEP The trouble with belly fat is that is as though it’s its own entity.  It produces an over abundance of estrogen which alters hormone levels negatively and ca


HOW TO LOSE BELLY FAT I'm always asked how to lose belly fat... We all want a slim midsection, yet for some it often more difficult to achieve. Genetics obviously have a big role to play in it; however, we are responsible for what we put in our mouth, an most often than not we're actually not feeding our body healthy wholesome foods. If you have a large belly odds are that you are insulin resistant. That means your body cannot process carbohydrates in your diet so it is stored as fat. The best diet to shrink your midsection is a high protein & veggies with selected low glycemic index fruits. Aim for having at least 20 to 30 grams of protein with each meal & snack.   Eat nuts and have Omega’s to aid in your weight loss and health.   Be sure to drink lots of purified water to keep you well hydrated and to remove toxins from the body. LET'S GET MOVING! Society as a whole is overweight, obesity in children is also at an all time high, quite frankly


LOOK GREAT IN A SWIMSUIT Summer is here finally here which means its swimsuit season! I absolutely LOVE this time of year!   I relish playing in the sun and spending quality time with my family.   Summer also means swimsuit season.   You don't need to feel shy at the pool if you incorporate the 8 tips below.   8 TIPS TO LOOK GREAT IN A SWIMSUIT 1.      Flatter Your Physique. Wear a swimsuit that is flattering on you. Tankini's and one piece swimsuits are the most flattering, especially when matched with a cute skirt bottom. Choose a color and style that is flattering on you.    2.    Wear Waterproof Mascara. If you're going to wear make up match your swimsuit color and wear waterproof makeup.  Having raccoon eyes isn't flattering and going without makeup completely isn't either, unless you have amazing skin and black eyelashes naturally.  Wear light makeup so it looks natural and appealing. 3.    Exercise is a Must! Exercising everyday is an

CTR Radio Show That Ignites Change

"Ask Carol" with Carol Whitaker Radio Talk Show on Contact Talk Radio Network The Show That Ignite Change  I'm thrilled to announce that my new radio show, "Ask Carol" with Carol Whitaker, will air this Wednesday at 12 noon MST. I'll be taking calls on body, mind & spirit to help you learn how to create the life & body of your dreams. You can listen to the promo for "Ask Carol" at Videos.html I want to hear from you!  Please feel free to call in at 1-877-230-3062 with your questions on how to accomplish your lifestyle, fitness, exercise, and diet goals, including questions about how to release emotional stress and negative self-talk. I can help you learn how to release negative beliefs to transform your mind into having powerful creative thoughts to improve your quality of life in all  areas including having more happiness, health, love, joy & abuandance.  You can create the life


FREE 20 MINUTE LIFESTYLE FITNESS COACHING SESSION Hey there, I'm offering FREE Lifestyle Fitness Coaching session this TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY. If you would like to have a personal 20 minute Life Transformation Coaching Session to learn how ... to release resistance along with learning how to use the power of your mind to accomplish your life & body goals and dreams then email me at  to register. Please be sure to mention "FREE SESSION" in the subject line and include your name and phone number and the best time to reach you. I will then email you back when your scheduled call will be. It's your divine birthright is to live a life filled with love and joy. When you learn how to be in a state of happiness your life & body will transform miraculously. You can become all that you desire to be ~ it's just a matter of learning how. Please feel free to share this Special Offer with your family & friends as well,


HOW TO SCULPT YOUR BODY “Ability is what you're capable of doing. Motivation determines what you do. Attitude determines how well you do it.” -Lou Holtz YOU can have your dream body! Anyone can. It’s just a matter of believing in you and releasing limiting thoughts that are keeping you stuck emotionally. When negative feelings arise don’t try to fight them and hide them in the corner of your mind, instead make peace with your thoughts and create new empowering thoughts and beliefs that support your fitness goals and dreams. Thoughts, feelings and emotions are the footings and foundation to build the life and body of your dreams brick by brick. Your thoughts are the blueprints of your physique, your emotions are the materials needed and your beliefs are your workers bringing it all together to create the reality of your masterpiece which you planned and envisioned. So it is with negative thoughts as well, all thoughts and feelings are manifested into your reali


FITNESS TIP OF THE DAY I had an awesome weekend with my amazing family!  We had our family and friends over for a big celebration in honor of our oldest son's high school graduation.  After an eventful weekend with lots of good food and fun it's now time to pay the piper.  I love Monday's!  It's a new beginning to a wonderful week.  I cherish being able to start fresh with setting my fitness goals.  To start the week off right exercise first thing in the morning on an empty stomach and eat a small meal consisting of lean protein, complex carbs & veggies along with drinking a lot of purified water throughout the day. This is an excellent way to jump start your metabolism and burn away the extra calories from a festive weekend.  Happy training! :)


LOVE WHO YOU ARE People are drawn to positive people. Being happy and looking your best is not only attractive but also inspires others to do the same. When you walk with your head & chest held high with a smile on your face you will naturally have a higher self-esteem. Your body languages also express how you feel about you. When you walk with confidence you will be admired from afar and by those you hold close to your heart. Love all that you are with all of your heart… After all, you were created to have a life filled with love, joy & abundance.  The larger part of you is spiritual, it's a power being within of pure positive energy and light.  When you love yourself fully you will connect with your higher-self, you will be able to shift your way of thinking from doubt to that of accomplishment and success.  Give yourself the gift of love.  Love everything about you.  Your body, your personality, your family, your home, your hobbies and your gifts.  You are tru


How to Think Positively Even When Life Isn't Going Your Way Did you know that it's easier to think negative thoughts than it is to think positive thoughts? That’s because the mind is always in survival mode.  And did you know that you are not your brain?  It is only a part of your body.  That is why you need to learn to master your mind to be able to master you life.   Taking note of negative situations signifies to the brain danger signs which validates the brain’s natural defense mechanism of survival.  Habitual negative thoughts of feelings soon become your belief which then becomes your dominate vibration. Let go of negativity , it does not serve you!  Being constantly negative only brings to you more to be negative about.  What you think about you literally bring about.   You can't even get out of bed without a perceived thought of doing so first.  Instead of looking for the negative focus on looking for the good in all that you do and with


HOW TO ACHIEVE WEIGHT LOSS SUCCESS "The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of strength, not a lack of knowledge, but rather in a lack of will."   ~ Vincent T. Lombardi Portion control is essential to master for a health and wellness. I’m often asked what to eat to lose weight and build muscle, my answer is always the same, to eat a small balanced meal every three hours to jump start the metabolism and balance blood sugar levels. Eating a small meal is just that – eating smaller portions.  


Change Your Life with the Power of your Mind Did you know that it's easier to think negative thoughts than to think positive thoughts ? That is because the mind is always in protection mode. Seeing the negative shows danger signs which edifies the brain’s natural defense mechanism brought about by scared thoughts, which then leads’ to becoming your belief.  Let go of negativity instead focus on achievement and success. To become optimistic you must learn to love yourself fully and trust in God's ability to assist you as you choose to allow all good to come to you by following your heart.  Allow negativity to flow through you, not become stuck in you. Take your ideas of that which you want and write them down, then read your "future" daily with faith in your heart that all things are indeed attainable.  Ponder on what you want when you are in happy and at peace, this will enable you to connect with your high-self which will open the way to communic