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June 3, 2008

Today's been a good day so far. I woke up at 5:00 am again but luckily fell back to sleep until 7:30 am. After drinking my SW & cRave I did 10 miles on my bike. I'm tired, it was a bit more difficult than usual, but I did it and that makes me happy. I'm taking my kids to Thanksgiving Point today. It's a wonderful place here in Utah, it has a dinosaur museum , shopping, fine dining, gardens, and theaters. My kids are excited to get out and enjoy the sunshine. It's supposed to rain tomorrow & Thursday, so we're going to play outside while we can. I have 4 separate ZXoom meetings tonight, it will be a lot of fun. The people that are part of ZXoom are amazing! I love them all so much. When I tell my friends about ZXoom it blows my mind when they're not interested - seriously! They can make a ton of money, (if they work at it) help people lose weight and live healthier lives. It's a no brainer to me, but yet they don't understand... but that&


Remember to hydrate well before, during, and after your workout. I suggest you fill your water with the highly nutritious Liv SXinney Water and drink it throughout your workout. It will give you more energy to workout harder and your muscles will recover much more quickly by doing so. After your workout be sure to have a recovery protein drink/shake within the hour, the sooner the better. Your system will be at its optimal state to receive the valuable nutrients and protein it needs to build muscle. By doing this you'll see results much sooner. Your reward will be long, lean, beautiful muscles!

June 2, 2008

Good morning! I had such a great weekend. My family played and enjoyed the summer weather all weekend long. We had barbeque's, played with our horses and watched movies together - it was relaxing & fun. I'm enjoying every minute of summer already, I wish we had this weather all year round... I say that a lot... maybe someday we'll move to a warmer state or at least southern Utah. But at least we have the beautiful weather now.. Yeah! Well, this morning I woke up ready to workout, I had a good night rest. I had my cRave & SW to give me extra energy so I could workout hard! I did great! I rode my bike for 11 miles then did upper body weight training. I seriously love working out! My best friend's husband got me into a new workout called P90X, it's so dang tough! It's awesome!!!! I tried it last week and now I'm hooked!!! I did it with too much weight though, my knees have been soar since. I hurt my knees really bad about 5 years ago by over training.


When starting the Liv SXinney lifestyle be sure to eat at least 5 to 6 small meals a day. Have 3 main meals consisting of protein, complex carb and a veggie along with 2 or 3 protein snacks. And drink at least 3 or 4 oz of Liv SXinney Water in your 80 oz of filtered water beginning in the morning into the evening. Take cRave along with it, I suggest people take no less than 4 packets a day. If you're addicted to sugar, salt or caffeine you may need 5 or 6 packets throughout the day. If you take what your body requires then you should not crave junk food at all - literally! Be patient as well, it will take a few weeks to reprogram your body, but eventually you'll be there. Have fun and enjoy the journey!

May 30, 2008

Today is such a great day! My kids are home for school!!!!! Yeah!!!! I'm beyond excited! Summer is the life that I love more than anything! I love the smell of the fresh morning air, to hear the birds singing, and to have barbeque's in our back yard. I wish summer latest for at least 4 months... but at least it's finally here! :) I worked out this morning and did great! I'm happy to have the energy to do cardio again. I'm telling you what I feel so excited to have energy again! I'm off to go play with my kids and ride my horses. I'll touch base this evening to report on my diet. I'm going to do great for sure! Have a terrific day! :P


To help with your midday cravings for munchies take cRave throughout the day. I suggest starting out with a packet in the morning, another at noon and then at midday. I want to snack on munchies around 2 to 4 pm, so I take a cRave around 1:30 pm to stop it before it hits. And then in the evening about a hour after dinner I take another one if I feel I need it. cRave is a phenomenal product on so many levels. I literally do not have desires for yucky foods anymore like I use to. My body prefers to eat clean when I take cRave . And of course you'll want to drink SXinney Water along with it. If you do this you'll have the perfect ammunition to fight off the sugary, salty snacks that we all love/hate to eat. You'll feel stronger, healthier and empowered by doing so! So don't forget your cRave ! :)

May 29, 2008

Hey there! Yesterday was such a great day! I love summer soooooo much!!! My kids are psyched for school to be out - only one more day! Yeah!!! Now if the weather will just stay sunny & in the 80's for the next few weeks I'll be in absolute heaven! Today's going to be a great day too! I have a lot to do, but it's all good. I'm so excited to be able to get out and meet new and exciting people. I love sharing Liv SXinney with strangers, I enjoy making new new friends. I'm telling you what, life really is so good! It's my intention to attract like minded people that want to build a business with ZXoom as I do. The energy behind it is incredible! Seriously! Since I've had this in my life, not only is the SXinney Water giving me tons more energy, but I'm so much happier, and I'm a happy girl naturally. It's just all amazing, I keep pinching myself - I love it sooo much! Oh ya, the last two days I've eaten well, except for last night, m


Today pay attention to the beautiful world we live in and give thanks for all that surrounds you. Notice the elegant flowers and shading trees that give us so much joy. Look at your family with love and appreciation. Say hello to strangers as you pass them by in the parking lot. And give thanks for being you!

May 28, 2008

Good Morning! I'm very happy this morning, my kids are almost out of school!!!! Today is the last day for my oldest, he doesn't want to go the last two days! Yeah! I love having my kids home for the summer. I live for summer mornings, waking up to the warmth of the sun when I go out to feed the horses enlights my spirit. I soak up the smells of the beautiful flowers in bloom and seeing everyone out playing in their yards... really, does life get any better than this!!! :P Anyway, I went to a ZXoom meeting last night, they now offer a distributor activation for only $199! That's wonderful news, now more people can begin their ZXoom business. Seriously, timing is everything, this company is going to be so big so fast! I'm deeply grateful to be a member of the outstanding team. It's like we're all a family, seriously ! I have to get ready for the day. I've already exercised this morning.... I woke up at 5:30 am! That's just not right... I've been wak


To boost your metabolism strength training is a must. Your body will burn three times longer after weight training than with cardio . It's true that you'll burn more calories during cardio ; however, muscle burns more calorie than fat. The best way to exercise is to includes aerobic workouts to burn calories and weight training to build lean muscles which will boost your metabolism and burn continually during the day - even at rest. The more muscles you have the higher your resting metabolic rate, which means the more calories your body will burn.

May 27, 2008

Yesterday was a fun day even though it rained all day. Our family party was wonderful. I'm so grateful for this time of year. I can't even begin to express my excitement for summer! I love it so much! I wish I lived in Southern California, I always daydream about living there on a beautiful ranch. It's my dream to live on at least a 10 acre ranch filled with green fields, with an indoor arena and a beautiful barn filled with magnificent Friesians , and of course Page & Flash. And to top it all off, it would all be paid for! :P Someday I'm sure I'll have something similar to that... but it will never be in Cal, my family all lives in Utah. Anyway, today's going to be great day! I'm looking forward to meeting new people and introducing Liv SXinney to them. I love SXinney Water soooo much! I can't wait to see where I'll be in a year from now. I'm going to work my fanny off and look foreword to receiving the fruits of my labors (


When beginning a weight loss program be sure to measure before you begin your journey. You can also take a before photo to help you stay on track. The scale doesn't always tell the truth about your success. Muscle weighs more than fat. If you're exercising and drinking Liv SXinney Water and cRave then you'll lose fat much more quickly - which means inches will melt away. So be sure to measure weekly, exercise at least 5 days a week, and drink at least 80 oz of Liv SXinney Water a day. And before you know it, you'll be on your way to achieving your weight loss goals!

May 26, 2008

Happy Memorial Day! Today's such a special day, remembering our ancestors and those that fought for our freedom . I lost an uncle, Richard, in WWII, he died in 1945 in the Battle of the Bulge . He was my father's oldest brother. Uncle Richard was reported missing for 8 long years before they found his remains. My dear grandmother would cry each time she spoke of her lost son. She would often tell me of how she would see his smiling face each time the kitchen door opened. It would break my heart to hear her tell of her sad experiences as tears would roll down her beautiful face. What a blessing they're together again. I miss my grandparents very much, they have all passed away. But every now and again I can feel them with me in spirit. I know I'll be with them again someday, and for that I am deeply grateful. My family's Memorial Day tradition is to gather together to go to the cemetery to pay tribute to our loved ones, and then afterwards we have a BBQ at my pare


Keeping a daily log of your diet is a great way to stay on track. When you're honest with yourself and write down everything you eat, you'll think twice about eating too often or the wrong foods. It will help you stay focused on your goals. I start out the day by writing a positive affirmation on the top of the log sheet. And at the end of the day I write my feeling on how I did - I always write positively. If you haven't kept a diet journal before, give it a try, it's very simple and very motivating.

May 22, 2008

Hi everyone! Wow! What a fabulous day it has been. I did a computer radio show this morning with my dear Sxinney sisters, Heidi & Kellyann, at Planetary . We had such an amazing experience!!!! We had such a great time. When I met Kim I felt as though she was a long lost friend. It was magical. I have to say that I love synchronicity ! We all had such a wonderful time and after the show we went out for lunch, it was lovely. I enjoyed every minute with them and before we knew it was time for our children to come home from school. It was great just to sit down and visit. We'll be back next week again to do another show. I'm really looking forward to it! I feel incredibly blessed to have all these outstanding people show up in my life! BTW, you can listen to it tonight at 5 pm and 10 pm MST. Also, we did a little 2 minute commercial as well you can watch. It really was such a fun, fun day! And now my kids are home, so I have to run. I'll touch base tomorrow. H


Goal setting is essential when beginning a weight loss or fitness plan. Set short term goals that are achievable. Write them down and read them everyday when you wake up and before you go to bed. For example if you want to lose 10 lbs of here are 4 goals you could use to achieve your desired goal. 1. I will be 10 lbs lighter by May 15 th or I am 10 lbs lighter! 2. I will eat 5 to 6 nutritious meals a day or I eat 5 nutritious meals every day! 3. I will exercise at least 20 minutes 3 days a week or I exercise 20 minutes a day easily. 4. I will drink at least 80 oz of SXinney Water a day or I drink SXinney Water all day long. Speaking in the present tense will bring your goals to fruition quicker. Be sure to also write down at least 5 positive affirmations that will support your fitness goals. For example you could write, "I am fit, thin & healthy!" "I have tons of energy everyday!" "I am joyful & happy!" "Life supports me abundant

May 21, 2008

Good morning, Last night we had a ZXoom meeting at the corporate office, it was a great success. I'm still pinching myself that I'm one of the first to begin this incredible journey. I can't even express the gratitude I feel for this opportunity. I love everyone that has joined the ZXoom team. They're all seriously so cool! My best friend, Heidi, and I have so much fun working together. She introduced Liv SXinney Water to me, she's such a doll! We have fun talking about our dreams and all the fun things we'll do together with our families. The financial success I can make with ZXoom is literally a dream come true! And I dream BIG! :) Well, today is a cold raining day! Ugh! I'm thankful for the moisture; but I'd rather it rain all night and wake up to the beautiful sunshine. And on rainy days I don't get to play with my horses... it's just not as enjoyable. But that's okay, I'll get a lot of work done from home... Listen to me, I don&#


Do you get enough sleep? People don't often realize the importance of good, quality sleep. To create a lean, tight physique you should have at least 7 to 9 hours of the blessed zzzzz's . Your body rejuvenates the mind, skin, organs and muscles during the sleeping hours. Not only do you need quality sleep to be alert and have energy but it will also reduce your stress level and it's a great anti aging secret as well. SXinny Water assists in getting a great nights rest. So drink up, get to bed on time and wake up energized!

May 20, 2008

Hey there! Well, I'm happy to report that I slept great! I feel a lot better - yeah! And it's supposed to be 95 degrees today! I'm stoked! And I'm tickled that I feel stronger; I was actually able to workout this morning!!! I'm so excited!!! Today's going to be a great day! I was able to workout longer with heavier weights, thanks to my yummy SXinney Water. I still don't feel 100%, my head & chest are still a bit congested, but SW gave me the strength to get through my workout. I couldn't live without SXinney Water at this point. My kids drink it all day long too now, their bodies are craving it too. It's incredibly healthy, I love that my kids are drinking it too. I've decided to get back on track with my fitness goals. This past month or so I haven't been able to workout as hard and as often due to my fatigue. And my physique is reminding me of that. I'm softer than I prefer to be. So I've set new goals to refocus. I'm goi


Do you have a skinny or fat refrigerator & pantry??? If you want to accomplish your weight loss goals then don't buy foods that will tempt you and sabotage your weight loss efforts. Instead, stock up on lots of fresh fruits & veggies. Have plenty of eggs, meats and low fat cheese. And if you have to have a snack go for air-popped popcorn without butter & salt - add a little light butter spray and you're set! It's loaded with fiber and fun to eat. And be sure to drink plenty of water. Did you know that drinking up to a gallon of water a day will raise your metabolism? Add some SXinney Water and you have the perfect summertime beverage. So next time you go shopping think twice about what you put in your cart.