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August 23, 2008


Today is my oldest son's birthday! He's 14 years old!!! It's crazy I don't feel old enough to have a child that age. I have to say that I'm very proud of him. He's grown up to be such a kind, respectful, fun-loving teenager. I hear many parents complain about their teenagers, and I always think how grateful I am to have my sweet kids. Each of my children are really enjoyable to be around. We're an extremely close, loving family, the words "I love you" are heard all day long. My children tell each other they love each other everyday, it warms my heart deeply. I grew up that way too. My family always expressed our love and appreciation to each other and still do today. My siblings are my best friends. I'm one lucky girl to have been blessed with such a wonderful family. So David gets to play and relax all day long. We'll have a party for him too this afternoon with family and friends, I'm looking forward to it!

Yesterday we spent all day in the barn. Jeff worked many hours moving fresh sand that was brought in for the arena and stalls. He did an awesome job! Page and Flash are in heaven!!! They love sand! They rolled and played in it when it was still in piles. They're sooo cute! I love watching them play and run around. Flash was his fun loving self, he followed us everywhere in the barn. I let our horses walk around freely when we're working, they love it. It gives them more freedom and they're a lot happier when we give them free range. We have a fence around our entire property, so they're always safe when they're let out.

Lindsey's horse comes today! She's so excited!!! It will be fun to have Ellie here, she's a bay Appendix QH. I hope and pray that she and Page get a long, they're both mares, hopefully they're not both dominate - Page is queen and she let's everyone know it. I'm sure they'll get along eventually...

I woke up rather fatigued today, and for good reason. I worked out hard all week, then shoveled sand all day yesterday and ended by going to bed too late and waking up too early... so I'm not going to workout today. My body's telling me I need to rest. I've learned from countly experiences to listen to my body... if I don't it will shout loud enough that before I know it I'll be in bed sick... RECOVERY is highly important! So I'm going listen well and give my hard working body a good day of rest. I'm going to play with my kids & horses, eat well and try to take a nap sometime before the day is through. I'm looking forward to a fun, memorable day! xoxo


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