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How to Create a Home Gym on a Budget


There's nothing more empowering than feeling and looking your best. Having a lean physique is not only attractive but it's uplifting to the body, mind, and spirit. You can do so much more when you're strong, thin, and in shape.

The only way to achieve a fit physique is to thoroughly commit to living a LivFit Lifestyle. Exercising 4 to 6 days a week is essential to enable you to accomplish your fitness goals and dreams.

By doing cardio, weight lifting, and eating a clean diet you can transform your physique. Anyone can achieve their fitness goals and dreams if they simply commit to doing so – including you!

Equipment Needed

I love working out in my home gym. It doesn’t take much equipment to have a home gym. I’ve been doing 9P0X for years. You can follow apps for your workout routines or do the weight lifting routines I send in your Monday emails.

To create a home gym, all you need to do is to choose a room in your home. I personally prefer having gyms in basement rooms (if available). It doesn’t have to be a large space just enough for dumbbells, a bench, a mat to work out on and a full-length mirror, and cardio equipment and a weight lifting cage machine if you have room and a budget for it.

I obtained my fitness dreams by working out in my home gym using dumbbells, a cage, and a weight lifting bench. I haven't stepped foot inside a public gym since I got married over 27 years ago. You don't need fancy equipment to transform your physique, all you need are: 

    Challenging dumbbells (pairs of 10 to 20 lbs.)
    A full-length mirror
    An incline bench
    A cardio machine such as a stationary bike or elliptical
    A high impact flooring mat (like this one –
    A weight lifting cage machine (optional)
    If needed, put up proper weightlifting techniques to be able to refer to

Proper form is a must when weight lifting. Study correct forms and always work out in front of a full-length mirror so you can ensure you are practicing good form – and to be able to focus on your muscles being worked. Be sure to focus on the muscles you are working and look for progress as you do, this will literally aid in sculpting your physique faster.

Here’s a short video showing my home gym:

Remember to Warm Up!

To avoid injury, always warm up and stretch for the first five minutes prior to lifting weights. End with three to five minutes of stretching at the end of your workout. For example, start off by doing jumping jacks or jogging in place and then do stretch your muscles slowly and hold each stretch for a few seconds (don’t bounce). End each work out with deep breathing as you stretch out the muscles you worked.

Always compliment yourself for a job well done! Take time to feel the pride and satisfaction of following through with honoring your goals. This is highly impactful for creating a healthy, motivated LivFit mindset.

Have Fun!

Training is highly rewarding on so many levels, especially in a home gym. Not only does it make it easier to work out on a regular basis in the comforts of your home, but you can train alone without interruptions. It’s also more productive to exercise without any disruptions. Have fun training, play upbeat music to keep you pumped and excited to work out. Make working out enjoyable!

Always do your best to have a positive attitude about exercising regularly. Love your new transformational journey and be grateful for your awesome body! The more you love and respect your body the sooner it will take the shape you desire as you embrace your LivFit Lifestyle.

Seek for Progress, not Perfection

Focus on your progress and it will empower you to stay on track and move forward with joy in your pursuit to improve your health and wellness. Enjoy your journey each step of the way.

Be proud of yourself when you exercise and on the days you don’t, be mindful of how amazing your body is and all it does for you each day. Your body is a temple for your spirit. Always honor and respect it with loving self-talk and adoration.

By having a home gym you’ll be more likely to work out more often and enjoy the benefits of doing so! 


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