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Showing posts from March, 2010


GET RIPPED BEFORE SUMMER! * TIP OF THE DAY * Diet is 85% of Fitness Success How many people do you know that go to the gym everyday but never change? It’s because their diet does not support their fitness goals. I can’t stress enough about the importance of proper nutrition. It’s imperative to eat small clean wholesome meals every 3 to 4 hours. Eating the right fuel is 85% of the equation. You can do sit-ups and push ups all day long but you won’t be able to uncover those sexy abs until you burn the fat that’s covering them, and that comes from proper nutrition along with regular daily exercise. If you want to be ripped before summer then commit today to working out at least 5 days a week - no excuses.  Then eat clean whole foods -  that means stay away from canned, boxed or processed foods of any kind.  Be sure to drink plenty of water, at least 60 to 80 oz and eat protein with every meal & snack.  And have your last meal of the day by 7 pm - after that consider t


A LETTER TO MY FRIEND THE GIFT OF GRATITUDE The other day my dear friend emailed me asking for advice, she was feeling a bit low and was in need of a little TLC on how to get out of the emotional rut she was in... I gladly shared with her how to shift from a sad mood to a happy, joyful state of being. Whenever you feel overwhelmed, depressed or feel any negative emotion for that matter life can seem more difficult and frustrating. You’ll have less energy and you’ll be more fatigued than usual. By choosing to live in an Attitude of Gratitude you can literally shift your energy level from being pessimistic to optimistic. Doing so you will shift your energy frequency to a higher empowering level which in turn you’ll feel better and have tons more energy to get you through your busy day. You’ll also eat healthier, you’ll have the desire to exercise more and you’ll be much more fun to be around.


TIP OF THE DAY... GRATITUDE! Each morning start your day with the attitude of gratitude. Give thanks for everything in your life including your miraculous body that you have been blessed with. I'm sure you've heard the saying having 'an attitude of gratitude' - it’s a powerful way of being. Give thanks for your beautiful body and how wonderful it is. By doing so you will feel happier, you'll attract fabulous people & experiences into your life and you’ll lose weight faster too. And you'll soon discover how much more you have to be grateful for!
A HARD BODY AT ANY AGE! As a Lifestyle Fitness coach I focus on balancing the body, mind and spirit to create a powerful, positive mind-set; by doing so goals can become a reality with a well-designed fitness and LivFit meal plan. I believe to achieve ultimate health you have to begin by loving who you are right now! By focusing on and learning how to have a positive mind-set every dream can come true. I ask my clients to take time to sit down and write out what they really want. I ask them why they want to lose weight. What are reasons for change? Whatever it is I have them write it down and create a powerful vision. Then I ask them to focus on it daily. To curb emotional eating I teach how to focus on pampering oneself by indulging in what you love to do; such as reading a good book, taking a walk, calling a close friend, going shopping or getting a manicure. I also coach how to be prepared emotionally by having a mental game plan for when those emotional urges arise for cravings


HOW TO SCULPT A SIX PACK   SIX PACK ABS I'm often asked is how to achieve a six pack.  It's a lofty goal for some but very achievable with hard work, endurance along with clean eating. You can have a tight, sexy mid-section by following my Six Pack Ab program. By committing to it you will have a killer washboard stomach within 90 days (if you don't have a lot of weight to lose and if you do it will just take you a bit longer). It's not easy but it's well worth your time and energy to work towards such a lofty goal. DO YOU HAVE WHAT IT TAKES?   First you need to look at your family's genetics. What is your physique like now? How about your family, what are your parents and siblings figures like? Do they carry most of their weight in their abdominal area or the bottom half? If you carry your weight mainly around the middle then it will take you a bit longer to see your awesome six pack than those that carry their weight around the lower ha