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AVOCADO THE AWESOME  SUPERFRUIT One of the most powerful superfruits is the awesome avocado. It’s not only delicious on sandwiches and in salads but it is loaded with powerful nutrients which support the body enabling it to be healthier, more youthful, vibrant and energized. Most people today do not get enough good fats in their diet. Eating fat has brought about visions of weight gain throughout the years due to the “fat-free” diet craze in the 1990's. The problem with having a diet stripped of healthy fats is good cholesterol is compromised and the brain is prone to emotional illness due to the lack of proper and much needed healthy fats that is required for a highly functioning brain.


BEST AMINO ACIDS SUPPLEMENTS  to Sculpt the Body of Your Dreams If you want to transform your physique then you need to feed your body the building blocks it requires to become the hard body you're striving for. One of the most important aspects of living a LivFit Lifestyle is proper nutrition.  You can work ou t each day and have little results if you're not feeding your body what it requires to build and maintain muscles mass. If you're ready to get it the  best shape  of your life then you need to be serious about your diet! Leave all your useless excuses behind, limiting thoughts only gives your power away, who wants that? I sure don't! I f you want to be thin and fit then you have to make living a fit lifestyle a top priority in your life. Amino acids are one the most important aspects of any fitness enthusiasts diet, that's why protein is a must to transform and sculpt you body into a lean, sexy machine. Just as a high end race car require


WHAT TO EAT TO LOSE WEIGHT I don't know about you but I love to eat healthy whole foods! I love how my body feels when it's fueled with the foods it craves and I love having a trim waistline.  Having a pantry full of healthy foods makes it easier to stay on track with your fitness and weight loss goals along with losing weight easier and with less effort. You can train all day long in a gym but if you don't eat clean you will become highly frustrated and give up before you give yourself a real chance to see transformation in your body.  Your body desires foods it can actually process. 


TIPS TO GET FIT Af ter the holiday’s it’s easy to lose the motivation to get back to the gym to lose the extra weight gained over the festive holiday season. I’m asked often how I've stayed in shape for over the past 20 years, it’s because I stay motivated. It takes motivation, determination and dedication to working towards your fitness goals every day. Visualize how you want to be as though you've already achieved it. Stay positive and see the good in everyone & everything, love yourself unconditionally and give to others daily to keep me on track and in line with that which I desire. To be successful in achieving your weight loss goals you must set goals to begin with. Having a focused mind set on your goals & dreams will surely l ead you to success! HOW TO BEGIN A FITNESS LIFESTYLE To begin setting goals for fitness or weight loss you have to begin with transforming your thought process & the feelings in your heart first. You