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Happy Monday! I hope you’re off to an excellent start to your day! Unlike many people, I love Mondays! It’s a fresh start to a new beginning to recommit to my fitness goals and dreams. I love my fitness LivFit Lifestyle journey that never ends... It's an awesome way to live!   If you're tired of feeling out of control with your life and eating habits then start today commit to leaving your past behind by embracing an awesome fit future!  Each day this week make it your top priority to exercise for at least 30 to 45 minutes on an empty stomach, doing so will force your body to use your body’s fat stores for energy. 


RAVEN'S CLOSET TALK SHOW PROUDLY PRESENTS  "New Year, New You: Lifestyle Wellness" With Special Guest, Carol Whitaker "Would You Like To Learn How To Live The Life Of Your Dreams? - How About Learn To Lose Weight Without A lot Of Effort? - Do You Want To Truly Connect & Be The Real You?" - - Join Us Thursday January 24th With Our Special Guest Speaker Carol Whitaker, Author/Lifestyle Wellness Coach Join me as I speak on Sonya's awesome show, Raven's Closet tonight at 5 pm MST & 7 pm EST. 


HOW TO LOSE BELLY FAT FAST If weight loss and body sculpting is your main fitness goal, cardiovascular training is essential to accomplish your fitness dreams. During the cold winter months is natural for the body to store belly fat to protect your vital organs. If you're ready to lose that extra padding that's covering your beloved six pack abs then you've come to the right place.  You can lose belly fat faster by doing what I'm about to teach you. Doing cardio first thing in the morning on an empty stomach will burn your fat stores for energy since your glucose in the blood (blood sugar level) is extremely low from fasting during sleeping hours, so your body will turn to its own stored energy to fuel your muscles during tough workouts.    


AVOCADO THE AWESOME  SUPERFRUIT One of the most powerful superfruits is the awesome avocado. It’s not only delicious on sandwiches and in salads but it is loaded with powerful nutrients which support the body enabling it to be healthier, more youthful, vibrant and energized. Most people today do not get enough good fats in their diet. Eating fat has brought about visions of weight gain throughout the years due to the “fat-free” diet craze in the 1990's. The problem with having a diet stripped of healthy fats is good cholesterol is compromised and the brain is prone to emotional illness due to the lack of proper and much needed healthy fats that is required for a highly functioning brain.


BEST AMINO ACIDS SUPPLEMENTS  to Sculpt the Body of Your Dreams If you want to transform your physique then you need to feed your body the building blocks it requires to become the hard body you're striving for. One of the most important aspects of living a LivFit Lifestyle is proper nutrition.  You can work ou t each day and have little results if you're not feeding your body what it requires to build and maintain muscles mass. If you're ready to get it the  best shape  of your life then you need to be serious about your diet! Leave all your useless excuses behind, limiting thoughts only gives your power away, who wants that? I sure don't! I f you want to be thin and fit then you have to make living a fit lifestyle a top priority in your life. Amino acids are one the most important aspects of any fitness enthusiasts diet, that's why protein is a must to transform and sculpt you body into a lean, sexy machine. Just as a high end race car require


WHAT TO EAT TO LOSE WEIGHT I don't know about you but I love to eat healthy whole foods! I love how my body feels when it's fueled with the foods it craves and I love having a trim waistline.  Having a pantry full of healthy foods makes it easier to stay on track with your fitness and weight loss goals along with losing weight easier and with less effort. You can train all day long in a gym but if you don't eat clean you will become highly frustrated and give up before you give yourself a real chance to see transformation in your body.  Your body desires foods it can actually process. 


TIPS TO GET FIT Af ter the holiday’s it’s easy to lose the motivation to get back to the gym to lose the extra weight gained over the festive holiday season. I’m asked often how I've stayed in shape for over the past 20 years, it’s because I stay motivated. It takes motivation, determination and dedication to working towards your fitness goals every day. Visualize how you want to be as though you've already achieved it. Stay positive and see the good in everyone & everything, love yourself unconditionally and give to others daily to keep me on track and in line with that which I desire. To be successful in achieving your weight loss goals you must set goals to begin with. Having a focused mind set on your goals & dreams will surely l ead you to success! HOW TO BEGIN A FITNESS LIFESTYLE To begin setting goals for fitness or weight loss you have to begin with transforming your thought process & the feelings in your heart first. You


How to Have a Positive Mindset  More Often Than Not “Gratitude is one of the sweet shortcuts to finding peace of mind and happiness inside. No matter what is going on outside of us, there's always something we could be grateful for.”  ~ Barry Neil Kaufman Being positive does more than just uplift your mood it is also highly beneficial for your emotional state of mind, physical health and well-being. Just as positive thinking has a direct impact on the body so does negative thinking, it weakens the immune system, causes emotional turmoil, ruins relationships and even causes weight gain. Eva Ritvo, MD, vice chair of the department of psychiatry and behavioral sciences at the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine in Florida and co-author of The Beauty Prescription, says that positive thinking improves your mental health and reduces stress.  "When you are optimistic, people are attracted to you. This leads to healthier relationships, more succe


FRIDAY FITNESS TIP How to keep a diet journal... To achieve your weight loss & fitness goals sooner log everything you eat each day. Plan ahead by writing down the night before each meal & snack and the time in which you plan to eat on the left side of a piece of paper (you can use a simple notebook for your diet journal) and then follow through with your meal plan the following day.  Then the next day when you eat write down the time and what you ate on the right side of your meal plan. Also, write a positive affirmation about how awesome you are at the top of each page and read it each time you log your meals & snacks.  At the end of the day when you see that you honored yourself you will feel empowered and proud of yourself, and soon you will be living your dreams!   ~ Carol Whitaker


EMBRACE LIFE TO CHANGE  YOUR LIFE  To Become Happier & Healthier When you want to change your life you must learn to embrace change with love and thankfulness for all the blessings in your life. You cannot expand and become a more accomplished individual without change.  Most people shy away from change which is a big reason as to why they stay “stuck”.  To transform your life in all areas, including having a leaner physique, having more energy, having more loving relationships and becoming more successful in your endeavors than you must learn to think positively and embrace life to the fullest each new day. You were literally created to have a life filled with love, joy, peace & happiness, but only if you choose to.  Living a happy life is a choice.  We were born with free agency, what a gift we all have, we have the intrinsic ability to decide just how we want in our lives.  Each of us literally has the power within to change our life & body at a ve


TUESDAY FITNESS TRIVIA  True or False Eating simple carbs after a tough strength training workout with whey isolate protein will increase protein synthesis resulting in a leaner, sculpted physique. This is TRUE! Proteins are large organic molecules that are made up of smaller units called amino acids. Linking of many amino acids in an orderly manner to form a particular protein is called protein synthesis. Simple carbs spikes insulin which is used to shuffle the much needed amino acids & nutrients in protein into your hard worked muscles. Whey protein isolate is the purest, most easily digested and rapidly absorbed protein on the market. Choose a healthy simple carb such as fresh or frozen berries or fruit. Fruit & berries contains the simple carbohydrate called fructose, which is made from one sugar molecule. Fructose is responsible for fruit's natural sweetness. Fruit comes in a variety of colors, with each color having different antioxidants a


LEAVE THE EXCUSES BEHIND Stop the chaos in your mind and leave the excuses behind... All the negative thoughts and feelings only keep you stuck in what you don't want!  So take control of your thoughts by believing in your abilities to su cceed in living a healthier, happier way of life. A happy mind creates a happy body and a happy body create happy emotions and is healthier and more energetic. This Christmas season give yourself the gift early this year, give yourself the treasured gift of health that only you can give. Learn to love and accept your life and body just as it is now to embrace a journey of self-discovery and transformation. You have what it takes to accomplish your fitness goals and dreams. So step up to the plate now and let go of all your needless excuses of why you don't have time to exercise and eat right -- if you make YOU a high priority YOU WILL find the time and you will naturally crave healthier food choices. So get up off the couch, throw


10 DIET TIPS TO ENJOY THE HOLIDAYS GUILT FREE Christmas time really is the most wonderful time of year! I love everything about Christmas! The love & focus on Christ, the joy of giving and gathering with family & friends. This time of year can be tricky, however, when it comes to eating healthy & staying on track with a clean eating meal plan. It's crazy how easy it is to forget your healthy diet when comforting foods that tantalize our pallets are placed before us, it's like all willpower went out the window…


  Your Health Journal By Len Saunders – Health, Fitness, Nutrition, And Wellness I was honored to be a guest blogger on  Your Health Journal  you can read my article at the following link below. "10 Tips to Transform Your Physique"


THOUGHT OF THE DAY...    LET GO OF THE PAST! Did you know that you are the only one standing in your way of achieving that which you desire? If you struggle with keeping your word to yourself or find that you self-sabotage your efforts then you need to let go of what's holding you back.  When we have negative, resentful feelings of ourselves or of others it is a power low energy of resistance to that which is wanted which will continue to attract more reasons to be worried or have feelings of resentment. Like always attracts like in all things, it's the Law of Attraction in action.  If you want more love in your life then you need to let go of the past, and forgive those that hurt you. By playing the negative memories over and over in your mind you become the victim and the perpetrator, you become a prisoner in your own mind.  Replaying hurtful movies continually only cements fear beliefs in your subconscious mind which causes you to mentally create bigger and s


 5 TIPS TO LIVE A JOYFUL LIFE In today's world life is beyond busy, as a wife, mother & entrepreneur I know how crazy life can be.   It is truly a balancing act to care for my family, home, horses, work and me... If I'm not careful it's easy to fall into the feelings of being overwhelmed with all I have to do each day. It's easy to let the cares of the world get in the way of living a life filled with immense joy and inner-peace.     It's easy to put yourself aside and only care for your family, friends and loved ones, but when you do that you're not honoring "you" which does not allow you to be the best you can be for those you love.  By neglecting your dreams and desires it neglects your truth within.


The 40 Day LoveFest Countdown with Tina Nies Tina Nies interviews Carol Whitaker on her radio show focused on "Positive Inner-Dialog" for her 100 Days - 100 Ways to LOVE Yourself!  


THE POWER OF MEDITATION “You have powers you never dreamed of. You can do things you never thought you could do. There are no limitations in what you can do except the limitations of your own mind.”   ~ Darwin P. Kingsley The power to control your mind is one of the most empowering things you can do, it will literally shift your vibration to a higher energy frequency to enable you to manifest the life of your dreams. We were all born with the innate ability to create our lives intentionally; however, many of us have lost the connection of living in harmony with our higher-selves, our true essence, which is the fuel to rocket our desires to manifest into your reality and rather than living our dreams we’re just enduring our life experiences.  

How Exercise Increases Feel-Good Hormones

How Exercise Increases Feel-Good Hormones We all want to feel happier and more carefree. It’s too often that we allow stress to overrun our lives. Many of us struggle from day to day just to feel good let alone feel excited about life. Well, I’m happy to say that there’s a natural way to get a “natural high” otherwise known as “feel-good” hormones and that comes by exercising at least 3 to 6 days a week.  If you’re new to living a fit lifestyle, not to worry,  you don’t have to jump in head first into a fitness program, that will only overwhelm you, which may set you back even further once you become overly exhausted and fatigued from being unconditioned.