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"Love at first sight... this is a photo of Xander & I the fist day he arrived home.  It was divinely magical..." KEYS TO A HAPPY LIFE In today's world life is beyond busy, as a wife, mother & entrepreneur I know how crazy life can be.  It is truly a balancing act to care for my family, home, horses, work and me... If I'm not careful it's easy to fall into the feelings of being overwhelmed with all I have to do each day.  Woman come to me often asking for assistance, they tell me their struggles and issues, it always touches my heart to hear their heartfelt stories.  As I listen I take in every word and energy of emotion expressed and unexpressed.  When I ask them what they do for themselves each day, most of them say, "I dont' have time for me, I have too much to do..."   It's easy to put yourself aside and only care for your family, friends and loved ones but when you do that you're not honoring "yo


EMBRACE THE FORTITUDE THAT'S WITHIN YOU! "Success means having the courage, the determination, and the will to become the person you believe you were meant to be" - George Sheehan Take control of your life by BELIEVING in YOU ! You are worthy to have the body of your dreams. Be the master of your mind! Doing so will increase your willpower and fortitude to succeed!   Each of us were born with nobility within us, it's our birthright to a have ALL the good life has to offer, including a fit, lean, healthy body. It begins by taking baby steps... if working out and eating clean seem like to much to contemplate then start off small.  Park out far in a parking lot, take the stairs, walk to the mail box, take your dog for a walk.  Deep clean your home regularly. By moving more your body will become more energized and you'll soon have the desire to exercise. The body is very smart and it craves exercise equally to craving

SPIRITUALLY RICH and SEXY, book launch

SPIRITUALLY RICH and SEXY ~ BOOK LAUNCH I'm excited to share my dear friend, Pamela's, new book with you... It launched this week, it's a beautiful self help book which will improve & uplift your life, it's a must have. It's a perfect gift for your family & friends for any occasion. You can click on the link below to review it, I highly recommend it...
LivFit Fitness Lifestyle Fitness Consulting & Coaching Are you struggling with weight gain, stress, anxiety or lack of interest about life in general? If you answered YES to any of the health ailments listed then you would greatly benefit having a Lifestyle Fitness Coach to assist you in creating your life dreams ~ I can help You! LivFit Fitness Personal Coaching I Offer Three Life-Changing Lifestyle Fitness Packages Learn how to balance your body, mind & spirit to create the body & life of your dreams! LivFit Silver Package ~ $100 4 Weeks Online Lifestyle Fitness Coaching • Power Tools Needed to Begin to Take Control of Your Life • How to Connect with Your Higher Self • How Balance Your Body, Mind & Spirit to Lose Fat Faster • Emotional Release Tools Powerful Visualisation Tools  How to Keep a Positive Mental Attitude of Gratitude • How to Have More Joy, Peace & Happiness • How to Properly Set Sh


Carol Whitaker LOG YOUR WAY TO ACHIEVING FITNESS SUCCESS! Keeping a fitness log of your success is highly motivating.  Keeping a special  fitness journal is a fantastic tool to aid you in reaching your goals.  Keep a  log of your workout routines and meals daily.  You wouldn't try to drive to California from New York without a map, setting and planning your fitness goals is a road map to achieving great success.  When logging your meals write down your emotions you felt that day.  Pay attention to when you have cravings; was it when you were stressed or tired? Keeping track of your emotions will help you pinpoint what triggers cravings and knowing is half the battle.  When you know  what causes you to want to overeat you can create a solution to resolve the emotional issue before it happens again.


YOU CAN LOSE WEIGHT! Weight loss is an attainable goal for anyone who has the desire to improve their quality of life.  You can have a slim physique regardless of age, gender or size.  If you're tired of be overweight and exhausted all the time then now is the time to take your health & happiness into your own hands. It all begins with the desire for change.  To take the first step on your weight loss journey you must dig deep and answer the question "Why?"    Why do you want to live a healthier life?  Do you want to lose weight for you or is someone else pushing you to lose a few pounds?  If you're trying to lose weight because someone is pressuring you to, it will be next to impossible.  You may lose weight, but you will most likely gain it all back plus a few more pounds once the pressure to lose weight is eased.  You have to do it for You! 


CREATE YOUR DREAM BODY “Ability is what you're capable of doing. Motivation determines what you do. Attitude determines how well you do it.” -Lou Holtz A clean diet is everything when living a fit lifestyle. People often reach out to me for weight loss advice, they complain about not being able to lose weight. They say that they try to exercise, but are just too busy or that they don’t have enough energy. They also say that they’re eating healthy, yet the weight just won’t budge!


MOTIVATIONAL THOUGHTS .... YOU CAN DO IT!!!! “Always continue the climb. It is possible for you to do whatever you choose, if you first get to know who you are and are willing to work with a power that is greater than ourselves to do it.” ~Ella Wheeler Wilcox YOU can achieve your fitness dreams! It starts with a desire for change, the courage to do what seems impossible, the motivation to follow through and the belief that you CAN DO IT!


Getting Back on Track! "Ability is what you're capable of doing. Motivation determines what you do. Attitude determines how well you do it."  ~Lou Holtz YOU CAN DO IT! Getting back on track with your fitness and weight loss goals after a festive holiday of overeating with family and friends can be overwhelming for some people. If you ate too much yesterday don’t worry you can regroup and attain your goals! Typically at social gatherings there is plenty of high calorie foods and desserts to tempt and tantalize your taste buds. Often self discipline and control seem to go out the window the moment you step through the door.  If you overindulged this past Easter weekend, don’t despair, there is nothing wrong with indulging a bit by eating succulent foods; in fact, it’s good for the body and mind to have a high calorie meal now and again after weeks of eating clean. Unfortunately, many people have negative self talk in the aftermath of overeati

Happy Easter with Love

May the Love of Christ fill your heart & home with love, joy & peace knowing that He Lives!

He Lives: Testimonies of Jesus Christ

The True Meaning of Easter - The Atonement of Jesus Christ


FITNESS TIP OF THE DAY MOTIVATION! The Power of Progress Photos Are you finding it difficult to stay on track with your fitness goals?  Staying motivated is essential to achieve any fitness or weight loss goal.  A great way to stay focused is to take weekly progress photos of yourself.  It's highly rewarding to see the results of your dedication to living a fit lifestyle.  We look at ourselves differently in photos than we do when we look in the mirror.  It's an awesome feeling to see your progress and to keep you laser focused on your goals.


WHAT TO EAT Recently I posted an article on Facebook titled Lose 10 to 15 lbs in 30 days! I received several emails asking for samples of my LivFit meal plans of what to eat throughout the day to lose fat, maintain muscle mass and create a anabolic (muscle building) environment in the body, which raises the metabolism and burns fat faster. For those of you that missed my weight loss article, here it is…


WEEKEND FITNESS WARRIOR Just because it's the weekend doesn't mean you have a green light to pig out. If you want a fit & sexy physique by summer you have to stay focused on your fitness goals 24/7! You have to be a weekend fitness warrior by not allowing junk food temptations to overpower you. Plan your workouts and meals in advance, write them down then follow through by honoring your goals. You'll be happier and will feel empowered by keeping your promises. Be the master of your mind, don't let random uncontrolled cravings & lack of interest to exercise control your life!


BURN FAT!  BUILD MUSCLE! Before hitting the gym, about 30 minutes prior to lifting weights, eat a small pre-workout meal consisting of a slow digesting carb such as oatmeal, an apple, banana or an orange with a high quality whey protein drink (aim for about 30 grams) to increase stamina and strength in the gym.  Be sure to stay well hydrated before, during and after you train.  Drink a L-Arginine based supplement during your workout to ensure your muscles have the nutrients and energy needed to get you through your tough workouts.  Within 30 minutes of training eat a post-workout recovery meal consisting of a complex carb such as oatmeal and about 30  grams of whey protein.  Take another serving of L-Arginine on an empty stomach before bed to build and repair muscle tissue while you sleep. An excellent L-Arginine product that gets results fast is Liv International's product, GO Nitrimax .  When I started using it a year ago my body fat dropped and I went from toned to ul


BURN FAT FASTER If weight loss is your main fitness goal, cardiovascular training is essential to accomplish your fitness dreams. Doing cardio first thing in the morning on an empty stomach will burn your fat stores for energy since your glucose in the blood (blood sugar level) is extremely low from fasting during sleeping hours, so your body will turn to its own stored energy to fuel your muscles during tough workouts.


THE ART OF VISUALIZATION "The moment of enlightenment is when a person's dreams of possibilities become images of probabilities." - Vic Braden It’s empowering to know that you can literally alter your life experiences & physique by the power of your mind. By having positive thoughts and feelings your mind will be able to create the world of your dreams. Your thoughts are like a magnet, a simple thought will have a weak magnetic pull just like a small magnet does. A powerful thought of emotion such as joy or fear will have a much greater magnetic pull, thus it will magnetize much more of what you are thinking & feeling into your life. Our thoughts are magnetic on every level, that is why “like always attracts like”, it’s a universal law—the Law of Attraction. Being mindful of your thoughts through the power of prayer, visualization, yoga, mediation, goal setting and affirmations you will increase your inner-peace and willpower to stay focused on you

The Blissful Journey of Spirit



Dreams Really Do Come True! I recently received an endearing letter from one of my former fitness client's that I had the privilege to coach over a year ago.  Her powerful LivFit testimonial of her weight loss success touched my heart deeply. My client achieved her fitness goals and dreams by wholeheartedly implementing my LivFit Lifestyle Program.  To begin a transformation journey it begins from within... By connecting & balancing your body, mind & spirit your body will begin to desire exercise and will crave healthier foods, as a result you will reach your goals much sooner.  By living my LivFit Lifestyle you too can achieve your fitness goals & dreams.