Guest Post by Stephanie James Natural Ways to Stay Energized Without Caffeine With a societal sleep deprivation crisis, fueled by pressures to achieve, without slowing down, it’s easy to become reliant on caffeine for energy. This desire for an instantly gratifying boost of energy comes with a price, however – the crash. You see, grabbing a double espresso or an energy drink to keep you energized might seem like an ideal solution, but it can really make your body’s systems go haywire. What’s happening when you jolt yourself with caffeine only to come down quickly an hour or so later is that your body is trying to maintain homeostasis, but to no avail because you’re relying on a short-term fix. The truth is that real, long-term energy comes from real, long-term solutions. When energy is thought of as something you can drink in a cup or a can, the concept of making lifestyle changes that keep your energy supplies up tends to be thrown to the wind. With that in mind...
HOW TO CREATE A HOME GYM There's nothing more empowering than feeling and looking your best. Having a lean physique is not only attractive but it's uplifting to the body, mind, and spirit. You can do so much more when you're strong, thin, and in shape. The only way to achieve a fit physique is to thoroughly commit to living a LivFit Lifestyle. Exercising 4 to 6 days a week is essential to enable you to accomplish your fitness goals and dreams. By doing cardio, weight lifting, and eating a clean diet you can transform your physique. Anyone can achieve their fitness goals and dreams if they simply commit to doing so – including you!