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The Power of Momentum & Having Balance In Your Life

The Power of Momentum & Having Balance In Your Life

Momentum is a beautiful gift in life that brings about outstanding results. Momentum comes from being diligent in creating new habit of self-growth. When you move forward intentionally aiming to improve your life, you will have more balance and clarity. Balance creates synergy, certainty, progress, peace, contentment, and joy. All of which, creates momentum for thriving joyfully.

But you can’t have balance if you don’t know exactly what you want in your life and the reasons why. And you can’t create momentum if you don’t know where you’re going. It’s necessary to focus on your reasons why you want to improve your quality of life succeed — it’s the psychology behind your wants and desires.

Your habits are a manifestation of the emotional state you’re constantly in. It’s what you do on a daily basis that has gotten you where were you are today. You can look at your body and know what your daily routine is—you either make health and fitness a high priority or you don’t. Just as your body is the results of how you feel and what you eat, everything else in your life is too. How you feel and the emotions you have are evident in the actions you take, and by the world, you have created around you.

Change Your Life Now

If you are ready to truly change your life for the better, then you must first have new thoughts to generate different outcomes in addition to having balance in your life, which creates powerful momentum to achieve your goals and dreams. To do this, you need to simply change your perception and meaning about the outcomes you want. Then set goals to establish new habits that will be a roadmap to your anticipated end results.

You’re a magnet of creation. What you focus on with emotion is what you attract to you. For instance, if you want to improve your physique and relationships, then you must improve the quality of your thoughts, feelings, and emotions about yourself first. And then prioritize your life accordingly. The more positive thoughts you have, the more empowering actions you will take, and the more momentum have, the more you will be able to manifest as you want.

Have Balance 

Having balance in your life brings about momentum and empowerment. For example, when you’re out of balance physically, you have less energy, struggle with confidence and have false beliefs of what you think you can’t do.

However, when you put your health and wellness top of your list of priorities you become confident, happier, more fulfilled, playful, feel sexier and are more patient with others; because you feel secure with whom you are. You are balanced in that aspect of your life. It’s when you are unbalance that it causes discontentment within. Having balance in all aspects of your life allows you to live from your higher-self; it brings about a sense of emotional, spiritual, physical, professional life, and financial well-being in all areas of your life.

To have balance in your life, write down a list that reflects each aspect of your life. Give each area a percentage from 1 to 100. Take each category of your life and think about what percentage you are in right now. Give yourself time to contemplate the level of emotional sense of where you are in each section.

The areas of your life you want to improve are areas that aren’t balanced, which can be improved; it’s simply a matter of shifting your thoughts and emotions to the areas of where you are to connect your subconscious to where you want to be.

Then think about what you can do to strengthen your connection to where you want to be. Can you see the gap? When you close the gap you allow yourself to take action and build amazing momentum to become that which you desire. Can you see how your emotions are evident in all that you do? Including building momentum in your life, or not?

Take a moment to ask yourself, “Am I ready to let go of my old thought patterns and embrace my ability to create my life deliberately?” If you are ready to move full-steam ahead, now is the time to get your life balanced to become all that you long to be. The more balance you have in your life, the more momentum you will create, to get greater results.

Build Momentum and Have Balance

Below are 5 ways to build powerful momentum to create the life of your dreams, and to help establish balance in your life. The more you focus and take action, the more invested and successful you will be. And isn’t that what you really want? Balancing your life is essential for living a joyful life.

1.    Commit to focusing on the outcome. When your subconscious knows exactly what you want to achieve, it lasers in on what you want is needed in your life to fulfill your dreams. That’s why it’s so important to give your attention to WHAT your desired outcome is and the results you seek, rather than focusing on what’s missing from your life or what you don’t like. Focusing your mind is where your power lies.

2.    Know your whys. If you don’t know why you want your outcomes you will be lost in the endless to-do lists that clutter your mind. When you know your “why’s” you can create a clear roadmap to achieve success. Your “why’s” must be met to be able to create an action plan to get you to where you want to go or become.

3.    Have clear intentions and expect success. When you have endless to do’s in your subconscious, it’s not only confusing, but it’s daunting to even try to comprehend. To de-clutter your mind, write down each area of your life in categories craving for success. Write down fun, imaginative titles for each category – imagine as you did when you were a child. The more animated in your vision the more crystal clear your outcome will be, which will enable you to bring about what you want. Under each category write down what you can do to empower you to achieve your outcomes, then create an action plan for each list. Each day set 10 minutes aside to visualize yourself relishing in your success with love and thankfulness to the Lord. Use all 5 senses as you meditate.

4.    Commit to taking action. If you fail to take daily action in each area of your life you will become confused, overwhelmed, and will most likely self-sabotage your efforts as a means to validate the confusion mindset. Being on track and taking action daily is needed to build and gain momentum and balance in all aspects of your life. Taking focused action daily will empower you to create powerful momentum and achieve greatness.

5.    Check in daily and be grateful. Checking in and measuring your progress is critical to make progress and build powerful momentum. Seek for progress, not perfection Be grateful for the slightest improvements. Be your biggest cheerleader, give yourself credit for the progress you make. Check in with yourself daily by acknowledging the progress you’re making and making any necessary changes for attaining your goals and dreams. Also, keep a success journal to help you stay on track. Once you accomplish your goals, congratulate yourself and then set new goals.

Self-improvement and spiritual expansion is ongoing. Reach for the stars as you relish in the gift of momentum and having a balanced life. Have faith and expect miracles each new day.

Monday Motivation Video

Watch this motivational video as often as necessary to help to ingrain the powerful messages taught.

Always remember how powerful you are! YOU are truly amazing!




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