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10 SIMPLE TIPS TO IMPROVE YOUR  SELF ESTEEM & SELF WORTH We all struggle with lack of self confidence now and again, unfortunately many of us feel this way constantly.  If you struggle with a low self esteem and feel less than worthy of having a happy, successful life -- think again! You too can be highly successful and become all that you wish to be. Self confidence is often perceived and acknowledged when attached to a calling, job or by material things in your life.   Believing that self confidence is gained by what your title sis, have or do – but that’s not how to have self confidence at all, those believes stem from ego.   True self confidence come by loving you 100% just as you are; it’s by knowing who you really are -- a magnificent being of pure energy and light. 


HOW TO GET IN THE BEST SHAPE OF YOUR LIFE The last week before a photo shoot is for dialing in and getting the last little bit of fat off for a lean, ripped physique.   It takes a lot of determination and focus to accomplish the ripped look we all want on photo shoot day. Below are tips to help you accomplish your goals.  By following these tips you will be able to lower your body fat and you will still have energy for your workouts.  As always, stay positive!  Remember, you mind is your greatest asset to accomplishing your dreams.  You will become what you believe, so believe in all that you can achieve your goals and dreams! J FITNESS (MODELING) TIPS THAT WORK! When I have a modeling photo shoot coming up this is what I do to cut my body fat down to achieve me ripped physique. ·          CARDIO:  Do an hour of cardio each morning with HITT for the first 20 to 30 minutes. CARDIO AM: 60 minutes cardio 10 at a pace of 3.2 to 3.5, also do intervals with


    5 TIPS TO MANAGE STRESS TO  AID IN WEIGHT LOSS We experience it -- stress!  It's a part of daily life; however, if it gets out of control then it can play havoc on your body in many ways such as weight gain, fatigue, exhaustion, mental fog, illness and physical impediments. Stress management can be a powerful tool for health & wellness. Studies show that too much pressure is not just bad for your health but also for your waistline. People who are under constant stress are more susceptible to ill health from colds to high blood pressure and heart disease. Have you noticed that when you’re extra stressed your pants are a bit more snug than usual? If so, you’re not alone.


THE GIFT OF TRUE  FRIENDSHIP Every once in awhile a very special person comes into your life for a magical reason that is profound. These earthly angels paths crossed yours for a wise and noble purpose – you were drawn to each other as synchronicity played an active role in your life to assist you on your miraculous journey….   You will know who these treasures are by how you resonate with them. You may feel as  though you have known them forever, you will feel safe, at peace, comfortable, at home or happy when you visit with them. They will reach out their hand in service and love to lift you up and to help inspire you to become all you were meant to be. Your heart will know that they are, in fact, in your life for a reason. These sacred friends are indeed kindred spirits, that is why the feel so familiar. If you allow negative thoughts, worries, resentment or anxiety to cloud your mind with clutter and chaos then you will not be able to hear the whisperings of the s


BELIEVE IN YOUR MAGNIFICENCE “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It’s not just in some of us; it’s in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.” ~   Marianne Williamson Did you know that you are magnificent?  Did you know that you have the power within to create the life of that which your heart desires?  It's an exci


WHAT TO E AT TO LOSE FAT FAST "The higher your energy level, the more efficient your body. The more efficient your body, the better you feel and the more you will use your talent to produce outstanding results." ~ Anthony Robbins Everyone I know hits a plateau every now and again, including me. W hen I have a photo shoot coming up and I don't feel camera ready I have to get my body fat down fast!  To reach my weight loss goals within two weeks I have to mentally prepare my winning game plan first.   My modeling weight loss secrets are actually not secrets at all... It all comes down to hard work in the gym, clean eating and having a positive mental attitude.  I begin by creating a game plan and eat only power foods that are in my LivFit Power Foods list.  I also create powerful success affirmations and creating a fitness plan to create rock hard body in prep for the photo shoot, it all comes down to self mastery, willpower and discipline.   Eating


HOW A POSITIVE MINDSET CAN IMPROVE  YOUR  HEALTH “Gratitude is one of the sweet shortcuts to finding peace of mind and happiness inside. No matter what is going on outside of us, there's always something we could be grateful for.”  ~  Barry Neil Kaufman Being positive does more than just uplift your mood it is also highly beneficial for your emotional state of mind, physical health and well being.  Just as positive thinking has a direct impact on the body so does negative thinking, it weakens the immune system, causes emotional turmoil, ruins relationships and even causes weight gain. Eva Ritvo, MD, vice chair of the department of psychiatry and behavioral sciences at the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine in Florida and co-author of  The Beauty Prescription , says that positive thinking improves your mental health and reduces stress.  "When you are optimistic, people are attracted to you. This leads to healthier relationships, more success, an


THE POWER OF YOUR WORDS The power of the words you speak may be more powerful and profound than you may realize.  The power of words  has more magnitude than we can truly comprehend.   As in all aspects of your life what you perceive a reflection of your beliefs will manifest into your life over and over again.  It’s not until we take the time to really contemplate what we want out of life and adjust our thinking and speech accordingly that we will truly see a shift in our experiences. Below is a tender video with an empowering message, you may have already seen if, even if you have take the time to watch it again, but this time have the intention of letting go of your negative way of thinking and embracing that of what your heart desires. Each and every aspect of life is reflected back to us as to what our habitual thoughts are; therefore, if you do not like what you see than change the way you look at it and the things you look a


BEST AB WORKOUT FOR WOMEN TO GET   SEXY ABS FAST Training abs is essential for a sexy midsection.  There are several workouts that work fast, your body is your best source of resistance, you don’t need any fancy equipment to get cut abs.  It all comes down to training faithfully at least 5 days a week and eating a clean diet.  If you train hard then do yourself a favor and eat a diet rich in protein, fresh veggies, fruits and good fats so you will be able to see your hard work pay off when you look in the mirror. Here are a few of my favorite exercises that hit the lower and upper abdominals and obliques.  As you train focus your mind on the muscles you are working, it will aid in sculpting your desired six pack faster. For best results do the exercises until failure.  Do 2 to 5 sets of 25 each exercise.  As you continue to train your abs your midsection will become stronger and your endurance will increase as well.   Always look at training as a gift.


FAT LOSS FACT OR FICTION Losing weight now days can seem a bit overwhelming with all the plethora of information to chose from.  Weight loss is scientific and therefore can be more simplistic than you many think. Below are some questions that you get to guess “fact or fiction” about weight loss, see how much you really know about weight loss and what really works in aiding your quest to attaining your ideal goal weight.     FACT OR FICTION?      1. DIETS ARE BEST FOR PERMANENT WEIGHT LOSS This is  fiction . Diets are not a permanent solution for weight loss.  Living a fit lifestyle is.  Living a healthy lifestyle is the only way to maintain a healthy body weight and good health.  Yo-yo dieting is hard on the body and on the mind.  When people go on diets the focus is deprivation and the mind will do everything in its power to fight back that is why is why once the diet is over the emotions take over and overeating becomes a habit once again. 2.  SLEEP