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Ridiculously Happy! Soft Launch

Ridiculously Happy!   Ridiculously Happy! The Secret to Manifesting the Life & Body of Your Dreams is now available for sale on! The official launch is January 14, 2014. I'm pleased to announce that my book is on sale now at It has been quite the journey to complete my book, but I'm thankful beyond measure that it is now available for sale. A little history in the creation of my book. A couple of years ago I was divinely impressed to write my book. A year later I finished my rough draft and sent it off to my editor. Soon after I got a horrible concussion from a fall my stallion, Apollo, and I had while doing a photo shoot. That stopped me in my tracks, which took me nearly a year to recover from. Even though I did recover re-writing my manuscript was a daunting task and fatigued me terribly as I began writing again. But a few short months later I was able to write without the fatigue and mental exhaustion. It truly has been a miraculou

5 Ways to Love YOU during the Holidays

5 Ways to Love YOU during the Holidays Loving yourself is essential to living a joyful, healthy, prosperous life. Many of us struggle with self-love because of limiting beliefs we have about ourselves—especially during the holidays. If you struggle with loving yourself, you’re in luck. Below are 5 ways to truly transform the image you have of yourself to that of love, honor, and respect. You can become all that you want simply by loving you. This holiday season, give yourself the most cherished gift of all: acceptance. You deserve to feel joy that begins from within.

Shrink Your Waistline by Walking

Shrink Your Waistline by Walking To live a happy, fruitful life requires that you balance the body, mind spirit daily. Which means, to you have to give just as much attention to your physical self as you do to your emotional and spiritual self.  A simple way to incorporate more activity in your life is to walk more. Not only is walking good for your heart and mind but it’s also an excellent way to shrink your waist line.  

5 Keys to Live Joyfully

5 Keys to Live Joyfully In today’s world life is beyond busy. As a wife, mother and entrepreneur I know how crazy things can be. It is a balancing act to care for my family, home, horses, work and myself. If I’m not careful it’s easy to fall into feeling overwhelmed with all I have to do each day. Women often come to me asking for assistance. They tell me their struggles and issues, and it always touches my heart to hear their stories. As I listen I take in every word and energy of emotion expressed and unexpressed. When I ask them what they do for themselves each day, most of them say, “I don’t have time for me, I have too much to do.”

Sugared Toasted Pumpkin Seeds & Almonds Recipe... YUM!

Sugared Toasted Pumpkin Seeds & Almonds...  YUM! :) I made the most delicious toasted spiced pumpkins seeds after my kids carved their pumpkins for Halloween. I love sugared almonds so I thought why not make sugared pumpkin seeds!  I love nuts, especially almonds, so I added some almonds to my pumpkin seed recipe and boy, I'm glad I did, it made the pumpkin seeds stand out in flavor and gave it an extra kick. 


WHY BREAKFAST IS ESSENTIAL  FOR WEIGHT LOSS Breakfast really is the fuel of champions! If you are one that skips breakfast in your haste to get out the door or as an effort to lose weight, you’re not doing yourself any favors—you may want to think twice about skipping the most important meal of the day. Eating breakfast that starts your weight loss efforts that induces weight loss, jump-starts your metabolism and balances your hormones—at the beginning of the day. Eating a well-balanced breakfast consisting of 20 to 30 grams of high quality protein and a complex carbohydrate within an hour of waking will jump-start your metabolism in addition to balancing your hormones which will help keep you going strong all day long.   


LIVE YOUR DREAMS Happy Monday!  I hope you're off to an excellent start to your day. If you want to change your body and life to that of your dreams then begin by changing your belief system. Your beliefs and the thoughts you think about most have energy which radiate from you out into the Universe attracting back to you what you feel most strongly about. Essentially your thoughts, feelings and emotions are a preview to your life’s upcoming attractions. To shift from negative energy to powerful positive energy trust God in all that you do believing He will guide you and protect you as He answers your heart’s desires with great love, joy and abundance. Replace doubt with hope and fear with faith to free yourself from bitterness and emotional pain that has kept your stuck in an emotional rut.  


GET MOTIVATED! Living my LivFit Lifestyle  doesn't  happen overnight it takes motivation, dedication and determination to follow through with your goals; unfortunately, too many people lack the motivation needed to commit to starting or staying on track with a fitness routine day after day.  It takes time, you don’t have to train long and hard each day, you can start off slow.  If you start off too fast you'll feel exhausted and may lose the desire to stay on track. Starting is half the battle; you can begin by walking briskly for 20 minutes 5 days a week or jogging on a treadmill for 15 to 20 minutes 4 to 5 days a week.  In time you find that you will have more energy and will want to exercise longer than you did the day or week before. It all comes down to loving yourself enough to want to improve your quality of life. 


HOW TO SCULPT SEXY ARMS There's nothing sexier or more impressive than having toned, sculpted arms. It's not only attractive but it's empowering to have strong arms.  You can do so much more when you're stronger and in shape.  The only way to achieve a fit physique is to through commitment to living a fit lifestyle.  Exercising 5 to 6 days a week is critical to accomplish your fitness dreams.  By doing 30 to 45 minutes of cardio each morning, weight lifting and eating a clean diet you can transform your physique.  Anyone can achieve their fitness goals and dreams - including YOU!


How to Believe in Yourself Do you realize that you have the innate power within you to literally create the life of your dreams? You really can have that which your heart desires. The only one standing in your way of achieving your dreams is you!  When you have self-doubt and fears you are energetically blocking yourself from attracting back to you that which you want.


Carol Whitaker HOW TO LIVE A FIT LIFESTYLE I've struggled with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome for over 20 years which was actually a gift in my life; had I not suffered with severe fatigue I would not have studied health, fitness & nutrition religiously over the past two decades. I still study fitness and nutrition daily, I want to improve all I can each new day.  Over the years I learned to love unconditionally, to embrace eating whole foods, to love exercising and to have a positive mental attitude. Doing so I literally transformed my life and body in remarkable ways.


TIPS TO  LOOK  YOUR BEST People are drawn to positive, happy people. Let your beauty shine by taking the time to look your best.  Being happy and looking your best is not only attractive, but also inspires others to do the same. When you walk with your head & chest held high with a smile on your face you will naturally have a higher self-esteem. Your body languages also express how you feel about you.


  4 TIPS TO ACHIEVE YOUR IDEAL  BODY WEIGHT Weight loss is achievable no matter how much weight you want to lose, anyone can achieve their ideal body weight, by being dedicated to achieving their dreams.  Regardless of where you are now, you can achieve your ideal body weight. You can transform any aspect of your physical self you choose—all by honoring your truth and respecting your body.


TIP OF THE DAY... Love Where You Are If you can come to love where you are in your life regardless of what you current circumstances are then you will be able to move through that which you don’t want with a sense of peace and well-being. By loving where you are you will be able to release the resistance which has been keeping you stuck to clear the way to attract what your heart longs for. 

How to Live Your Truth

How to Live Your Truth The best day of your life is the one on which you decide your life is your own. No apologies or excuses. No one to lean on, rely on, or blame. The gift is yours - it is an amazing journey - and you alone are responsible for the quality of it. This is the day your life really begins. ~Bob Moawad Living your truth means to live from your spirit, your true essence within, to be able to live up to your highest potential. You are a magnificent women of pure energy, truth and light. To live your truth you must first come to love and value everything about yourself. If you question or doubt yourself all the time or fail to stand up for what’s true, you are not living your truth. However, when you love all that you are and live in the deliciousness of the moment by walking in faith, then know that you are, in fact, living from your higher-self.


WEIGHT LOSS TIP What Does a Cheat Meal Mean? If you're into living a fit lifestyle you've probably heard the phrase, "cheat meal" and  you may be wondering what it means. A cheat meal is having one meal set aside about once a week to eat whatever you want.  Living a fit lifestyle doesn't mean you can't enjoy your favorite treats every now and again, eating a high calorie, high calorie meal or dessert is actually a part of carb cycling when eating a clean diet.


10 Ways to Release Self-Doubt We've  all experienced feelings of self-doubt and struggle with negative feelings,  it's part of life. But for many people it can be more often than not, which makes for a more difficult unfulfilled way of life.   If you're stuck in having a negative mindset or doubt in your own abilities to have what it is you long for  then you won't be able to become that which you wish to be. It's like wanting to feel the warmth of the sun but your stuck in a closet in your home, no matter how much you want to relish in the sunshine if you don't choose to open the door and walk out of the closet you will never be able to bask in the beauty of a warm summers day. 


5 WAYS TO LOVE YOURSELF  Life is way too short to go about your day insulting or feeling unloving towards yourself. If you want to change your life then you need to learn how to love and respect yourself--unconditionally.   Resolve today to become the best you can be by incorporating into your daily life the following 5 simple tips below. Believe that YOU really can transform your life, in miraculous ways!

10 Tips to Achieve Your Weight Loss Goal

10 Tips to Achieve Your  Weight Loss Goal Hold a picture of yourself long and steadily enough in your mind's eye, and you will be drawn toward it.   ~ Napoleon Hill I love this time of year, spring is in the air and summer is nearly  here. It's the perfect time to get ready for summer so you'll look and feel your best. If you want to lose weight before summer then begin today to live my LivFit Lifestyle.  Living fit is highly rewarding, who doesn't want to feel be healthier, stronger and happier? Living fit improves all aspects of life, from being more confident, to having more loving relationships. 


THE POWER OF FITNESS JOURNALS Logging your fitness success is incredibly motivating to help you stay on track day after day. There are several ways to log your success, the best of which is keeping a diet/fitness journal and taking progress. I kept fitness journals for years, it helps me stay laser focused on my goals and keeps me in the "fitness zone". Taking progress photos is empowering! To see your body transform little by little is highly motivating.  It’s a great way to stay focused on your fitness goals week after week.

Top 5 Natural Weight Loss Supplements

   Top 5 Natural Weight Loss Supplements  With swimsuit season around the corner, now is the time to get back in shape and lose the extra weight gained over winter. The quickest way to lose weight is to eat a clean, exercise each weekday for at least 30 to 45 minutes and take natural weight loss supplements.  By adding supplements to your daily nutritional regimen, you will see the scale go down sooner as your body becomes leaner faster. Below are 5 of the best natural weight loss supplements to help you get rid of the stubborn fat around your belly and hips. 


Change Your Mindset to Change Your Life It  doesn't  matter what area you want to improve life using mind power will sure change that which you desire. From having more loving relationships to making more money, your mind is your greatest tool of creation. It  deliberately  putting the Law of Attraction into action ~ like always attracts like.  By thinking on purpose with clarity and intention you will shift your dominate vibration to that of faith, confidence and belief. The mind is an extremely powerful instrument of creation; in fact, everything in life that is attainable begins with a thought first—including a hard body!  That’s because all thoughts are energy which goes out into the Universe and organizes matter which is then attracted back to you—in all areas of life.

Manifest Your Dreams with Energy of Thought

  Manifest Your Dreams with Energy of  Thought I love that we can innately create and manifest our lives intentionally with purpose, passion and conviction. All thought is energy which has a vibrational frequency that vibrates out into the universe organizing unorganized energy matter which then is attracted manifested back to our experiences as the Law of Attraction is in action.  Happy, blissful thoughts bring about happy feelings and high vibrations which then creates a happy life, and so it is with having negative thoughts, it too has energy; however, it's a low daunting energy which attracts back to you more reasons to be negative about. When you let go of negativity you open your heart and mind to that of spirit which brings about love, contentment and serenity.

Create Buns & Legs of Steal at Home

Create Buns & Legs Of Steal at Home With swimsuit season just around the corner it’s time to crank it up a notch or two in the gym to sculpt lean, sexy hamstrings, glutes, calves & quads by summer. Doing lower body training is tough but highly worth every ounce of energy you use. To get results it takes motivation, dedication and determination to achieve the results of looking in shape in a swimsuit. Who wants to jiggle as the walk along the pool, I sure don’t! J

How to Eat a Clean Diet

How to Eat a Clean Diet Most everyone has heard the terminologies 'eating clean' or 'a clean diet'. To the fitness enthusiast it's a way of life and not a ‘diet’, yet too many people think of eating clean as a negative way of eating. Often you'll hear people trying to eat healthier say, “I can’t have this or this or this…” which is deprivation in the mind as they think of it as restrictions rather than as a powerful diet which can improve their health and wellness dramatically.   I began eating a clean diet over two years ago and have loved the benefits for doing so. When I was young I was very sick, all throughout my teenage years and into my early 20s. It wasn't until I changed my diet from the typical adolescent diet filled with chips, soda, fast foods and sugar that my body began to heal and gain more energy and vitality.  At first it was a bit confusing and difficult to do, but as soon as I began feeling better by simply changing small aspects of


Low-Fat Cooking & Baking Tips & Delicious Low-Fat Recipes I love to bake and cook for my family; however, I don’t love high fats and sugar in the meals and deserts I make for my family. You too can love cooking without all the extra calories. I can make any recipe healthier with less fat and sugar without compromising taste. My simple changes add nutrition, have fewer calories, have more fiber & are just as delicious as a standard recipe.  Below are low-fat cooking & baking tips along with delicious low-fat recipes that are full of flavor, fiber and nutrition.


FAT LOSS TIP Living a fit lifestyle doesn't mean you can't enjoy your favorite treats every now and again, it's a part of carb cycling when eating a clean diet. Did you know that your body actually needs a break from eating clean at least once every week or so. As fitness enthusiasts like refer to it as a 'cheat' meal or 'cheating'. Prolonged dieting drops the body's leptin levels. Leptin is a hormone that helps your metabolism burn efficiently, so having in increase in carbohydrates and calories really does do the body good. Having a cheat meal or even a day of eating freely once every week or so will surprise your body which will aid in raising stagnating leptin levels, this metabolic boost will help you to burn more fat. Sundays are my days off from all training and eating a clean diet. It's a day worship and lots of R&R with my family and it's also my free eating day. I eat more carbs than usual on Sundays to restore my gl


  Get Motivated to  Get in Shape Few people know that I've struggled with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome for over 20 years which was caused from having Epstein Barr and before that Rheumatic Fever when I was young. And even though I don't always feel the best I do my best to stay positive and to keep my body going strong.  I’m often asked how I stay motivated after all these years... I have been a fitness enthusiast for nearly 25 years. For me staying motivated takes mind strength. When I'm feeling healthy each day I dig down deep and tap into my inner-strength as I recommit to being dedicated to working towards my fitness goals.  I visualize how I want to be as though I've already achieved it, I use all five senses when visualizing, it feels so real that when I'm finished meditating I feel like I bounced back into reality from another realm. I also stay optimistic and congratulate myself when I see progress in the mirror.  I aim to the g


How to Achieve Your Goals  The person who makes a success of living is the one who sees his goal steadily and aims for it unswervingly. That is dedication. – Cecil B. DeMille Those that know me know that I live my life with passion to serve others and assist them in creating and manifesting the life and body of their dreams. It's highly rewarding to see my client's transform their lives in remarkable ways. To truly transform your life you must begin with having powerful, positive thoughts, conviction and beliefs that what you want can  come true. By using the power of your mind you can literally transform your way of life to that which you think about most. Rather than focus on what's missing in your life give your attention to what you already enjoy each day. Appreciate all the blessings in your life and give thanks in advance for that which you want to come to fruition. 


16 BEST SUPERFOODS TO LOSE WEIGHT Superfoods are called super for a reason, they’re full of nutrition, fiber, minerals and vitamins which keeps you going strong and keeps you lean. Foods that are nutritional powerhouses earn their "superfood" title because of their amazing health benefits that keep the body running strong, aids in preventing cancer in addition to super-charging your metabolism.  Superfoods help build muscle, keeps bones strong, improve immune system, aids in eyesight, improve skin tone, hair and nails and prevent chronic diseases. They also aid in living a vibrant more youthful way of life. Not only does do superfoods help you feel better but the wonder foods help you lose weight and maintain a leaner, healthier physique as well. 


How to Get Out of a Funk to Get Motivated Getting in shape takes desire for change, belief in yourself, motivation to get started, and determination to reach your goals, it takes perseverance and a positive mental attitude to achieve success.   I’m often asked how I stay motivated after all these years... I have been a fitness enthusiast for nearly 25 years.  Staying motivated takes fortitude and dedication to working towards my goals every day.  I visualize how I want to be as though I've already achieved it.   I stay optimistic and see the good in everyone & everything that I do.  I love myself unconditionally and give to others daily, this enables me to balance my body, mind & spirit daily, which keeps me on track and in line with that which I desire to accomplish in all areas of my life.


FITNESS MOTIVATIONAL THOUGHT OF THE DAY YOU CAN DO IT!!! Attaining the body of your dreams can, in fact, be a reality. Don't give up before you give yourself a real chance to get started. Losing weight and body transformation takes time, perseverance and fortitude.   Don’t focus on how much you want to “lose”, your subconscious doesn't like deprivation. Instead, focus on feeling “lighter” each new day. Let your body do what it does best and it will begin to burn fat rather than storing it. Take   it a day at a time, a pound a time.   Love the skin you're in. Your body is your greatest gift from above; treat it as though it were your best friend. Love it, care for it and think positively about how miraculous it is and all it does for you each new day.   Today's a new day, a new beginning of you! Relish in the joy of life by exercising and moving more today. Eat foods that God made just for us to live a vibrant, healthy life which are rich in nutrition.  




Happy Monday! I hope you’re off to an excellent start to your day! Unlike many people, I love Mondays! It’s a fresh start to a new beginning to recommit to my fitness goals and dreams. I love my fitness LivFit Lifestyle journey that never ends... It's an awesome way to live!   If you're tired of feeling out of control with your life and eating habits then start today commit to leaving your past behind by embracing an awesome fit future!  Each day this week make it your top priority to exercise for at least 30 to 45 minutes on an empty stomach, doing so will force your body to use your body’s fat stores for energy. 


RAVEN'S CLOSET TALK SHOW PROUDLY PRESENTS  "New Year, New You: Lifestyle Wellness" With Special Guest, Carol Whitaker "Would You Like To Learn How To Live The Life Of Your Dreams? - How About Learn To Lose Weight Without A lot Of Effort? - Do You Want To Truly Connect & Be The Real You?" - - Join Us Thursday January 24th With Our Special Guest Speaker Carol Whitaker, Author/Lifestyle Wellness Coach Join me as I speak on Sonya's awesome show, Raven's Closet tonight at 5 pm MST & 7 pm EST. 


HOW TO LOSE BELLY FAT FAST If weight loss and body sculpting is your main fitness goal, cardiovascular training is essential to accomplish your fitness dreams. During the cold winter months is natural for the body to store belly fat to protect your vital organs. If you're ready to lose that extra padding that's covering your beloved six pack abs then you've come to the right place.  You can lose belly fat faster by doing what I'm about to teach you. Doing cardio first thing in the morning on an empty stomach will burn your fat stores for energy since your glucose in the blood (blood sugar level) is extremely low from fasting during sleeping hours, so your body will turn to its own stored energy to fuel your muscles during tough workouts.