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Showing posts from December, 2011


YOU CAN GET IN SHAPE! EMBRACE FITNESS Getting in shape is truly a gift that only you can give yourself.  It's the one of the greatest gifts of all!  Embracing a fit lifestyle is highly rewarding in all aspects of your life.   However, as you know fitness success doesn’t happen overnight.   It takes desire, motivation, commitment and determination on a daily basis to attain your fitness goals and dreams.   Though the thoughts of getting in shape may seem overwhelming it is attainable!


Embrace Your True Essence “The best day of your life is the one on which you decide your life is your own. No apologies or excuses. No one to lean on, rely on, or blame. The gift is yours - it is an amazing journey - and you alone are responsible for the quality of it. This is the day your life really begins.” ~Bob Moawad Living Your Truth Living your truth means to live from your spirit, your true essence.  In order to live from your spirit you must balance and connect the body, mind and spirit to become whole and complete.    Having control of your mind is one of the most empowering things you can do, it will literally shift your vibration to a higher energy frequency which will give you more hope, will-power and determination to dream and believe in your accomplishing that which you wish for.   This in turn will enable you to attract that which is needed to fully accomplish your goals and dreams, step by step, in all areas of your life.


GET MOTIVATED! Motivation is the key to achieve success in all areas of life.  It’s what spurs us to action, in wanting and desiring to achieve and have more in our lives.  Too often people wish for change but they do not believe in their own power to achieve that which they dream about.    If you want to be healthier then you have to think positive happy thoughts of health.  You can’t feel sick and tired all the time and expect to have the energy to workout, it just won’t happen.  You always become what you think about most.  You can look at your life now and know what your past habitual thoughts have been regarding every aspect of your life. 


SCULPT THE SHOULDERS & ARMS OF YOUR DREAMS AT HOME Training shoulders & arms are my favorite muscle groups to train. It’s an incredible feeling to look in the mirror and see shapely defined biceps, triceps and shoulders.   Not only do I feel empowered but I’m able to pick up heavy items without straining my body, it’s an incredible feeling to say the least! I love working my arms & shoulders because the results are so visible, they’re the glamour muscles, it’s highly rewarding to feel & be strong. Not only do sculpted arms look more attractive in my clothes, but it's an awesome feeling to be strong a mother.   I remember vividly when I began increasing my strength years ago I could pick two of my young children at once and put one on each hip, that’s when I knew this was the only way to live.   It was exhilarating to be strong and fit, that was years ago, and I still loving my LivFit Lifestyle. Training is a must to accomplish transforming you